
The fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Name 한국외국기업협회 DateDate 21-07-09 15:11 Hit16,282


July 9, the Korean Government has announced its decision to impose Level 4 social distancing regulations in Seoul City, Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City.


This new regulation will start on Monday, July 12 and until July 26.


Level 4 distancing scheme in greater Seoul area (7.12~7.25)

- Gatherings of more than two people will be banned after 6 p.m

- Rallies and other events are banned

- Entertainment establishments, including night clubs, will be ordered to shut down, while restaurants will be allowed to have dine-in customers until 10 p.m.

- Weddings and funerals can only be joined by relatives

 - People are advised to stay and work at home 





