The 16th Job Fair for Foreign-Invested Companies 2021 sponsored by FORCA
Page Information
Name 한국외국기업협회 DateDate 21-11-04 16:49 Hit17,180text
제16회 외국인투자기업 채용박람회 개막식 및 행사 보고
□ 행사 개요
◦ 목적 : 외투기업의 우수인재 채용지원 및 청년 일자리 신규창출 정책 부응
◦ 일시/장소 : ‘21.10.21.(목)-10.22.(금), 09:30-17:00/SETEC 1-2 전시장 (5,153m2)
◦ 주최/주관 : 산업부/KOTRA, 서울시, 금융감독원
◦ 후원 : FORCA, 한국산업기술진흥협회, 정보통신기획평가원(IITP) 등
◦ 개최규모: 구인기업 100개사, 방문구직자 5,000명
□ 개막식 개요
◦ 일시/장소 : 10.21(목) 9:55~10:30 / SETEC 제1, 2관 내
◦ 참석 : KOTRA, 산업부, 서울시, 금감원, 외국기업협회 등
* 산업부 (무역투자실장), 서울시 (신성장산업기획관), 금융감독원(국제국장), 외국기업협회회장, 주한유럽상의부회장, 주한미국상의회장
올해 채용박람회에 FORCA 회원사는 3M, Emerson, ON Semiconductor, Manpower, Jattco, 중국은행, Umicore, Monnit이 참여하였습니다.
청년 일자리 창출에 기여해주셔서 감사드립니다.
[The 16th Job Fair for Foreign-Invested Companies 2021 sponsored by FORCA]
□ Event Overview
◦ Purpose: Support the recruitment of outstanding individuals and fulfill the youth job creation policy
◦ Date/Location: October 21st-22nd, 2021(Thu-Fri), 09:30-17:00/SETEC Exhibition Room 1-2 (5,153m2)
◦ Host/Organizers: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy /KOTRA, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Financial Supervisory Service
◦ Sponsors: FORCA, KOITA, IITP
◦ Participants: 100 Job Offering Companies, 5,000 Visting Job Seekers
□ Opening Ceremony Overview
◦ Date/Location : October 21st, 2021 (Thu) 9:55~10:30 / SETEC Exhibition Room 1-2
◦ Participants: KOTRA, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Financial Supervisory Service, FORCA
* Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Director of the Office of International Trade and Investment), Seoul Metropolitan Government (New Growth Industry Planning Director), Financial Supervisory Service(International Director), FORCA(Chairman), ECCK(Vice-Chairman), AMCHAM(Chairman & CEO)